Contact one of our representatives today for more information for your next Blanchard Grinding job. |
One of our main shop services is Blanchard
Grinding. We have various Blanchard machines that can grind a
number of different sizes and shapes. Our capabilities include
grinding up to 120 inches in diameter and 60 inches in height. Our
machines also have up to 300 horsepower abilities. Blanchard
machines have the ability to produce 63 micro and better finishes as well
as holding tolerances to .002. As can be seen in the pictures
below, a Blanchard finish has a swirl type pattern. If this is not
the finish you are looking for, try taking a look at our
Mattison Surface Grinder finishes. At CGM getting the job done right
in the most efficient way possible is our goal. We can grind a
variety of different materials including exotic metals,
aluminum, bronze, castings, and more recently focusing on magnetic and
non-magnetic stainless
steel. Blanchard grinding has been a staple of this company since
we began, and we continue to find new and advanced ways to make the
process more efficient and effective. |
Stephen W Watson.
Copyright © 2006-2009 by Chicago Grinding & Machine.
All rights reserved.
Revised: 17 Jun 2010 16:12:05 -0400.